You’ve got epic shit to create

Let’s make sure nothing gets in the way of that.

As a Revolutionary Creative:

  • You know the difference you make in the world.

  • You know what you want to create.

  • You know how you want to make it happen.

  • You know the impact you want to have.

  • You have the vision.


  • Something is stopping you.

  • It feels like a barricade in your brain.

  • A stopper in your subconscious.

  • There’s a wall of resistance to taking action.

  • You spend your time doing “busy” work and watching yet another free webinar in hopes that you will learn the best hacks to skyrocket your business

And listen, you aren’t alone.

I spent 2 years doing the same thing after I had broken through some glass ceilings and found myself standing with everything I thought I wanted. I realized I had achieved someone else’s vision for success while simultaneously also realizing that what I truly wanted was soooo much bigger. Sooooo much more challenging.

So. I stopped myself.

It was easier to say “I don’t know...” when someone asked me what I wanted than it was to own up to the hidden secret that broiled beneath the surface. It was so much more convenient to repeat “I’m stuck” to myself than it was to get curious about why I was holding myself back..

But I realized, no one was going to make this change for me.

I had to be the one to take action.

Now, I’ve written 2 best selling books, spoken around the world on my favorite topics, healed my relationship with my body, my money & my mind, fell back in love with being an artist, taught hundreds of revolutionary creatives to take action through various courses & retreats. More importantly, I know who I am and what I want and am no longer apologetic about it and, the best part?

I get to help people using all of my gifts - not just one of them.

Hiya! I’m Teri and I’m a body image educator, author, and revolutionary creative.

As a manifesting generator, futuristic achiever, and frequent follower of my intuition, I am no stranger to the pivots, changes, and transitions that ultimately lead us closer to who we truly are and I am excited to help you do the same!

I’ve made it my mission to help revolutionary creatives unf*ck their beliefs about their bodies & selves through the Empowered Action Solution so they can create their most aligned and authentic life.

Scroll down to see the different paths you can take for where you are.

I want to unf*ck my beliefs around…


    Ready to trade in your body image insecurities for a life of liberation and passion? Check out this path for all of the BODY IMAGE RESOURCES!


    Image rewriting your beliefs around your abilities as a writer as you write your next glorious work. Check out the various WRITING RESOURCES!


    Education leads to empowerment - that goes for us as well as our clients. Sometimes we just need a little guidance on how to build the creative business of our dreams! Check out this path for all your CREATIVE RESOURCES!

Prefer a more customized experience?
You can also hit me up for a 1:1


Need some ideas for authentic content? Check out my 4 point funnels system to help you navigate multiple platforms + overwhelm of ideas!

“You can stay uncomfortable where you are or get uncomfortable where you are going - but only one of those gets you closer to where you want to be.”

— Teri Hofford

I am no stranger to the discomfort that comes with swimming upstream to stay true to one’s authentic self.
Read more about my story with change here!

What’s coming up?

A Fine Art Approach to Boudoir with Kara Marie & Me in Italy!

Learn how to infuse your boudoir work with an artistic eye while also creating an inclusive, empowering experience for your client - no more copy & paste sessions!



“Meeting Teri is an experience in itself . You know when you meet someone and you just want to be around their energy... this is one of those people.

What sets Teri apart is how she will navigate the complexities of self-image and empowerment. Teri tackles the hard questions and challenges the status quo. She encourages introspection and growth, understanding that true transformation arises from confronting discomfort. With her laughter, funny phrases, kindness, and boundless passion, she's not only reshaping boudoir photography but also paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate world. Teri isn't just someone to follow – she's someone who's changing the world, one photograph at a time. I have met her a few times, been in an interview with her YouTube channel, she pushed me to look at things differently, I have read her books and taken her classes. I just wanted to shout you out and just fan girl a bit. YOU WILL CHANGE THE WORLD you already have.”

—Ashley Klemm, Ashley Klemm Boudoirs

“So often when we want to make a change we are confronted with the Squidge…an intense feeling in our bodies that we either ignore in an effort to stay in our comfort zone OR choose to listen to and see where it takes us.”

In fact, I made a whole damn podcast about it.

What’s your Squidge?

Diversify the bodies you see in the media by giving me a follow!